A Full Body Workout Program to kick start the new year!

Highlights of the program:

  • Total fat burn 
  • Muscle toning & Strength training (body weight)
  • Potential weight loss
  • Beginner friendly 
    • (Intensities,  frequencies and duration will be increased from week 1 - 4 accordingly)
  • Can be done anywhere, without equipments 
  • Ref.| FITT-VP principle by ACSM (The American College of Sports Medicine
  • ⬇ click thumbnail to watch the video 

Program Overview : 

  1. Muscle strength training (Body Weight) 
  2. Cardio / HIIT conditioning 
  3. Intensities,  frequencies and duration will be increased from week 1 - 4 accordingly
Remarks: If you have any known cardiovascular, metabolic or rental diseases (/ any signs / symptoms), please consult your doctor / physician as appropriate before participating in any kind of regular exercise / training. 

Full Workout Plan:

(⇩ click )

Share your results: 

Share your results on  Instagram / Youtube                       
tagging @OppServe & 
hashtag #OppServe #BrandNewMe #BrandNewMeChallenge
Let's motivate each other! 
I might re-share some of your results and u might become other's inspiration! :)