- Full Workout Plan - 


Day 15 
[The final week: 👏🏻 Give yourself some applause 👏🏻]
(Dance Workout: optional)

Day 16 
[It's freaking tough, I know, BUT YOU CAN DO IT !] 

Day 17 
[Hang in there 💪🏼]
(Dance Workout: optional)(Optional: + 6 reps x 3 sets push-ups)

Day 18 
[🔥🔥🔥 ABS ON FIRE 🔥🔥🔥]

Day 19

Day 20 [Almost there!]

Day 21 
[YOU MADE IT to the last day! ]


🎉Congratulations!! You have been staying active for 21 days! 🎊

Share your results on:
Instagram / Youtube 
@OppServe #OppServe
#BrandNewMe #BrandNewMeChallenge

I might re-share some of your results and 
u might become other's inspiration! :)

'Highly successful people have learned to develop good habits, and it takes discipline, courage and hard work on a daily basis to keep those habits in place.'

This challenge hopes to help beginners develop a healthy habit of exercising and aims to get your body some positive changes without starving yourself (by achieving a caloric deficit via increasing your energy expenditure and muscle toning, instead of fasting). It is, however, important to note that eating cleaner (not fasting though) in general is always recommended!! (It's not only better for our health, but will also bring u the max results if your ultimate goal is to lose weight healthily). I can't wait to see y'all rocking this challenge!!!